Dr Dysfunction asks - What do you see here???
Easy question right?
Except I see -
2 dogs playing tug of war or 2 donkeys
A super villain with his hands up
2 stuffed animal ponies
What do other people see? or What are we suppose to see?
I don't see a bat or butterfly or moth.
I don't see a female figure
I don't see a jack o lantern or a mask
I don't see any animal face - I see their shape
I don't see anything female about this..
...If you wanted to know.. yes I am paranoid and I have body image issues... but the picture tells nothing!!
I see a womans eyes, she is sad and possibly bleeding
I also see two garden gnomes giving each other a high five.
No butterfly or moth..
I see blood...and I do have difficulty controlling my anger... mostly towards technology.
Are Gnomes people? I guess they would like to think they are.
I see no animals. Dammit I guess I won't become a dominatrix any time soon.
I see two posh looking british men carrying some sort of heavy box
I see tiny creatures whispering into their ears
I see a floating bow tie
Oh goody I am straight..already knew that.
But why are they British???
And what are those little creatures whispering to them?
Absolutely a monster riding a Harley
It's a hairy monster with big feet...
Big foot on a motercycle!
Well that doesn't tell me anything.
Though I felt Big Foot would be more like one of members of ZZ Top
Menacing? I guess big foot could be.. so I half have issues with authority...
Well if you don't see a bat in this one then you are not really trying.
I see a baby bat.. but it would not be all batty... it would be like a glow worm.. why the hell would it be like a glow worm?????????
A cute bat.. thats what I see.
I did see a bat.. but it wasn't moving!! I swear.
I do have the hostility...yes indeed.
But it was a cute bat!!
I don't like this one.
The top part reminds me of whiskers so it looks like a cat sliced down the center.
I love cats.. this picture sucks.
Um.. I guess that would be considered an animal hide..
I like the last part... that individual might have been high when he or she looked at the card.
Doesn't that count for all of the cards?
Was the person high when they wrote these cards?
I bet they were high when they made the pictures.
I see two girls talking.
I am not sure why their pony tails are sticking up, but they are.
They could possibly be on a swing facing eachother.
My mother would be pleased that I do not have any significant mother issues.. lol. Which I don't.
I have issues however with the fact that this card is trying to say that if a person sees an oil lamp that they may be at risk for schizophrenia. That to me sounds slightly ridiculous.
I see pink iguanas.
Oh crap now I see a clown.. that can't be good.
Hey I am normal.. at first.. but then I have cognitive problems because the clown was unsettling.
I see a moo cow. Friendly but looks like fire.
I can also see deer antlers.
I just saw the cow wearing a jean jacket.
That tells me nothing!!!
A cow in a jean jacket...
Party at the Eiffel Tower!
I see people dancing
Again.. I get nothing.
It sure as hell cant be saying I am happy with my present life situation.. Maybe if I was actually in Paris..
How do people not see a party??
Just so you know... I downloaded each picture 1 at a time... wrote what I saw.. then downloaded the card.. and so on... and I changed nothing.
I probably should have changed some.. I am feeling a bit paranoid that I am weirder then I suspected.
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