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Bubonic Doctor By Tom Edwards |
It started in the Gobi Desert of Mongolia in the 1320's
In the early 1330's China, an illness starting killing.
Like a rumor it started spreading from person to person.
It boarded the ships with those bringing goods from China to the unknowing population of Europe.
The people, the rats, The Black Death.
The Plague was only part of the destruction.
Families were forced to leave their sick loved ones.
The dying were refused the chance to dictate their last will and testament.
Monasteries that provided care for those afflicted suffered greatly. Some were wiped out entirely.
Other countries started blaming the Italians for this epidemic and refused to do trades - fearing the healthy of also being sick.
Some were even killed.
It wasn't finished.
France, England, Germany, Norway, Russia.
All felt the fear and experienced the deaths caused by this vicious Plague.
By the end one third of all people infected had died.
Horrible deaths.
Meet the mass murderer.

Stupid Flea.
With a name like 'Black Death'
I would expect something more Gigerish
Much better.
But the flea wasn't acting alone.
He had an accomplice.
The Bubonic Bonnie and Clyde.

They are the bringers of death.
Remorseless, vicious.
These are not your pet rats of today.
The flea bites the Rat
Blood from rat passes to flea.
Now they are both killers.
The rat gets into the human food.
Contaminates the food.
Rat dies.
Don't ever touch a dead rat.
Avoid the rat, eat the food.
You're screwed.
Flea that bit the rat bites you.
Can't avoid the crew on the ship.
Not all the rats die.
Fleas, who notices the fleas?
Boat docks.
People, product, fleas, and rats vacate the ship.
Spreads like wildfire.
How do you contain what you are not aware of?
Too late.
Stop touching the sick.
Stop touching everything.
Too late.
But I wouldn't worry much about the rats..
I would worry about pissing off the wrong terrorist.
Real or imagined, the panic spreads.
Causing fear, anger, and unrelenting dread.
When will it happen?
Where will it be?
Has the person already been born that will try to kill us all?
It's crazy to think that our world is actually a ticking time bomb.
We could be one radical away from any number of toxins being unleashed .
Oops, I just scared the kitty.
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