Tuesday, March 24, 2015


With new technology comes new hope.
More stupid ideas. 
Sometimes we use our powers for good. 
Most of the times evil.

Let us take a trip.. through the interwebs..
What moronicary will we encounter in the name of science?
3D fucktardedness at its finest. 
Maybe we will come across a few great ideas, enough to allow for the 3D printed bongs and forks?
Lets find out.

Though I do believe this world is crap.. I decided to start off with a useful item. 
Sorry, appendage. 
Because really, this 3D Printed leg is awesome. 
It allows the person to brave the world.. that so fantastically judges every aspect of our being...
This leg changes a persons perspective - hopefully... 
From the stares of possible pity - to awe and wonderment over the fascinating technology that allows a person to create a one of a kind leg!
It's a tattoo. 
It's different, but in a way that works.. 

It's easy for a person to look past an animal in need. 
How? I have no clue! I can't look past an animal in need of a treat!
When you consider the need for a prosthetic, chances are you were not thinking of an Eagle 
Or a Dog, you were thinking of a person. 
But animals need prosthetics too. 
Chances are it was some stupid human that hurt the animal in the first place... 
The Eagle in the picture above is the proud owner of a 3d created Beak!
After reading more, yes it was some stupid human that shot the Eagle. 
Stupid evil jerks. 

Sometimes an animal is born with genetic abnormalities ...they need help 
He wants you to read his story. 

And then....
Guns.. of course ..
Americans, the constitution says you have a right to bare arms..not make them in a 3d printer. 
The Liberator?
The evil killy thing that now some idiot with a printer can make and use.
Gun control?
I need to check for 3d bullets. 
My theory is every bullet should be registered. 
Cost around $100 each..maybe then people would talk first and shoot last. 
Dammit  -Bullets.

3d printed jaw bone.
An 83 year old woman was the first to receive a 3d printed jaw. A day after surgery she was able to speak and swallow normally again.


Dita Von Tesse in a 3d printed dress. 
Sure it's cool.. one of a kind..but..she could have made that with the stuff they use as fencing material to block snow drifts. 
Sorry, not impressed. 
I lie.. the idea that a machine could make a whole dress is kinda cool.

Shut up.
I want to call bullshit. 
But I can't!
For $250 000 you too can own a 3d printed ring.
I still find it very hard to comprehend..
But then again I also find a 3d printed fork kinda cool. 

Now they are just showing off.
3d printed car.
Local Motors - which is a company that is apparently nuts.. has agreed to create a 3d car.
They plan on making its debut in September!
Okay, is it just the body?
Are they printing wheels?
If you click on the picture of the car it will take you to a site that has a video.

This 3d printing this is vast... I wonder if they have tried to 3d print a house?

Of course they have!

I don't want to play anymore...

Parasites, Viruses, and Diseases - A to Z - Flesh Eating Disease

Necrotizing Fasciitis

Necrotizing fasciitis is a serious bacterial infection that spreads rapidly and destroys the body's soft tissue. 
This rare disease can be caused by more than one type of bacteria. 
These include:
  •  group A Streptococcus (group A strep)
  • Klebsiella
  • Clostridium
  • E. coli
  • Staphylococcus aureus
  • Aeromonas hydrophila
Group A strep is considered the most common cause of necrotizing fasciitis.
Usually, infections from group A strep bacteria are generally mild or moderate and are easily treated. 
But sometimes toxins made by these bacteria destroy the tissue they infect, causing it to die. CDC

The most common way of getting necrotizing fasciitis is when the bacteria enter the body through:
  • Break in the skin
  • Cut
  • Scrape
  • Burn
  • Insect Bite
  • Puncture Wound

 Most people who get necrotizing fasciitis have other health problems that may lower their body's ability to fight infection.
Some of these conditions include:
  • Diabetes
  • Kidney disease
  • Cancer
  • Chronic health conditions that weaken the body's immune system.
If you're healthy, have a strong immune system, and practice good hygiene and proper wound care, your chances of getting necrotizing fasciitis are extremely low.


  • Drainage of pus or blood
  • Fever
  • Pain
  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Ulcer 
  • Blister
  • Black spots on skin
  • Chills
  • Vomiting 
The person often feels as if the pain seems worse than they would expect with the type of wound that they are seeing on their skin.
The external may not match with the internal.
This may confuse the person and deter them from seeking medical advice..
Personally.. if I have a cut that makes me want to vomit??? I'm gonna go see a Dr. 

When we hear about the Flesh Eating Disease - we think of people with these huge wounds that appear to be so massive and infected and.. icky.
How does a person allow these wounds to get to this stage??
There are a number of reasons.
One being - it moves fast.
Then we see images of what a person looks like after the Dr's have had to remove parts of the flesh in order to stop the bacteria from getting into other parts.

But I don't wanna look at the icky pictures again...

The person became infected with Necrotizing Fasciitis Following Endoscopic Harvesting of the Greater Saphenous Vein for Coronary Artery Bypass Graft.
Black and white makes it easier to look at.

After the vein was harvested - before  any treatment

 After radical debridement of the wound
 Mesh graft used to cover wound after treatment
 End result - this is what the persons leg will forever look like


If you by horrible chance become infected with this disease.. you will be reminded of it for the rest of your life. 
If you survive. 
You will be scared. 
When looking though the images of stages a person goes through.. from infection to removal of dead flesh, to trying to repair the damage...
It is as if they strip the area clean and try to start from scratch. 
Except you can't. 
However skilled a doctor is, however amazing our bodies can be.. we are not made of play-doh. 
You can't just take more out of a container and replace what was cut out. 

Next up - 3d printing

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Parasites, Viruses, and Diseases - A to Z - Ebola

 Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever

This is the stuff Zombies are made of.
Is there a large amount of over reaction ?
Do I ever want to come in contact with a person who has possibly been in contact with another person who has been in contact with a person who may have had Ebola?

Ebola is an infectious and generally fatal disease 
Symptoms Include

  • Fever
  • Severe headache
  • Red eyes
  • Muscle pain
  • Raised rash
  • Weakness
  • Fatigue
  • Chest pain and cough
  • Diarrhea
  • Severe weight loss
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal (stomach) pain
  • Unexplained hemorrhage (bleeding or bruising)

When an infection occurs in humans, the virus can be spread to others through direct contact (through broken skin or mucous membranes in, for example, the eyes, nose, or mouth)
  • blood or body fluids (including but not limited to urine, saliva, sweat, feces, vomit, breast milk, and semen) of a person who is sick with Ebola
  • objects (like needles and syringes) that have been contaminated with the virus
  • infected fruit bats or primates (apes and monkeys)

Ebola virus disease (EVD) first appeared in 1976 in 2 simultaneous outbreaks, one in Nzara, Sudan, and the other in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo. The latter occurred in a village near the Ebola River, from which the disease takes its name.(WHO)


  • There is no cure for Ebola
  • There are five identified Ebola virus species
 Four of the five have caused disease in humans: 
  • Ebola virus (Zaire ebolavirus)
  • Sudan virus (Sudan ebolavirus)
  • Taï Forest virus (Taï Forest ebolavirus, formerly Côte d’Ivoire ebolavirus
  • Bundibugyo virus (Bundibugyo ebolavirus). 
The fifth - Reston virus (Reston ebolavirus) has caused disease in nonhuman primates but not in humans.
  •  You are not contagious until you start showing signs ( so I guess there is a small window of hope for family..except you probably wont know you have Ebola till you show signs.. so... yeah..no)
  • Once a person recovers from Ebola they are no longer contagious (there is still question about the possibility of passing the virus through semen)
  • If you survive contracting Ebola - you are basically considered immune to the virus - or at least have now built up a very strong tolerance to the virus. ( immunity seems to not be life long, nor is it helpful if you come into contact with a different strain of the virus)

Past Ebola Outbreaks have been found in :
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)
  • Gabon
  • Ivory Coast
  • Republic of the Congo (ROC)
  • South Africa (imported)
  • South Sudan
  • Uganda

So what do people with Ebola look like?

It varies.
Not sure why one person can look like parts of their body exploded, and another just ...well dead, they look dead.
The images are rather disturbing.

Looking at all of these pictures really puts into perspective the pain and suffering that many people are enduring.
The ones hit the hardest are those without food, water, health care.
This world shuts its self off from areas that suffer. We keep our money and medical treatments here.
The places where Ebola is thriving - they don't even get shown any respect.
They die with horrific pain. They suffer with no comfort, aid, dignity.

We can state that it is being made worse then it really is.. the media is running with the Ebola scare. 

I say, look at the pictures of the people dead in the streets. 
Look at the people not dead, but suffering from horrific pain. 
1, 5, 500, 1000, 10 000? what number does it have to reach before it becomes a problem?
Does it have to be in Canada?
Do we only care about something if it is local?

This shit needs to get under control. 
It's all good.. until it isn't.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Parasites, Viruses, and Diseases - A to Z - Dengue

Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever
Dengue Fever/Severe Dengue Fever

Aedes aegypti is the primary vector of the dengue virus or more rarely Aedes albopictus.

The dengue mosquito looks like many other mosquitoes and is difficult to identify without the use of a microscope.

A flashing Mosquito Butt would be helpful.  

Dengue became a widely established disease throughout the tropics with the development of commercial shipping during the 18th century.

Ahh progress...it's killing us. 

Dengue is considered endemic to the Americas, south-east Asia, western Pacific, Africa and the eastern Mediterranean. The most significant epidemics occur in south-east Asia, the Americas and the western Pacific.
Okay, it's not really killing 'us' It is killing those who live in certain endemic areas. 
For once the Canadian climate is beneficial. 

World Health Organization Dengue Fact Sheet
  • Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral infection.
  • The infection causes flu-like illness, and occasionally develops into a potentially lethal complication called severe dengue.
  • The global incidence of dengue has grown dramatically in recent decades.
  • About half of the world's population is now at risk.
  • Dengue is found in tropical and sub-tropical climates worldwide, mostly in urban and semi-urban areas.
  • Severe dengue is a leading cause of serious illness and death among children in some Asian and Latin American countries.
  • There is no specific treatment for dengue/ severe dengue, but early detection and access to proper medical care lowers fatality rates below 1%.
  • Dengue prevention and control solely depends on effective vector control measures.

Dengue is not transmitted person to person.
Good thing because most of the places that seem to be hardest hit by Dengue are also mass populated. 

Think about summer, now think about how many times you get bit by a mosquito. 
There is always a chance of something like this working its way to our backyards. 
All it really takes is climate change and time. 
Unless you're a moron and don't believe in climate change...

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Parasites, Viruses, and Diseases - A to Z - CJD

Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
Though CJD is not Mad Cow Disease - there is a link so...
Mad Cow Giant Microbes
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is a rare, degenerative, invariably fatal brain disorder.

Typically, onset of symptoms occurs about age 60, and about 90 percent of individuals die within 1 year.

In the early stages of disease
Failing memory
Behavioural changes
Lack of coordination
Slurred Speech 
Visual disturbances

As the illness progresses
Mental deterioration
Involuntary movements
Weakness of extremities
Coma may occur.


Heart failure, respiratory failure, pneumonia or other infections are generally the cause of death. The disease usually runs its course in about seven months, although a few people may live up to one or two years after diagnosis.

The cause of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and other TSEs appears to be abnormal versions of a kind of protein called a prion.
Normally, these proteins are harmless, but when they're misshapen they become infectious and can wreak havoc on normal biological processes


There are 3 major categories of CJD
  1. Sporadic
  2. Inherited
  3. Acquired 
  1. Sporadically. Most people with classic CJD develop the disease for no apparent reason. CJD that occurs without explanation is termed spontaneous CJD or sporadic CJD and accounts for the majority of cases.
  2. By inheritance. In the United States, about 5 to 10 percent of people with CJD have a family history of the disease or test positive for a genetic mutation associated with CJD. This type is referred to as familial CJD.
  3. By contamination. A small number of people have developed CJD after being exposed to infected human tissue during a medical procedure, such as a cornea or skin transplant. Also, because standard sterilization methods do not destroy abnormal prions, a few people have developed CJD after undergoing brain surgery with contaminated instruments. Cases of CJD related to medical procedures are referred to as iatrogenic CJD. Variant CJD is linked primarily to eating beef infected with bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), the medical term for mad cow disease. 

There is a rare version of CJD called Variant CJD
 Variant CJD is likely to be caused by consuming meat from a cow that has been infected with a similar prion disease called bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) - also known as 'mad cow disease'.
 ( that's the one you have probably heard more about due to the outbreak and mass media coverage) CDC

Risk Factors 

  • Age. Sporadic CJD tends to develop later in life, usually around the age of 60. Onset of familial CJD occurs only slightly earlier. On the other hand, vCJD has affected people at a much younger age, usually in their late 20s.
  • Genetics. People with familial CJD have a genetic mutation that causes the disease. The disease is inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion, which means you need to inherit only one copy of the mutated gene, from either parent, to develop the disease. If you have the mutation, the chance of passing it on to your children is 50 percent. Genetic analysis in people with iatrogenic and variant CJD suggest that inheriting identical copies of certain variants of the prion gene may predispose a person to developing CJD if exposed to contaminated tissue.
  • Exposure to contaminated tissue. People who've received human growth hormone derived from human pituitary glands or who've had dura mater grafts may be at risk of iatrogenic CJD. The risk of contracting vCJD from eating contaminated beef is difficult to determine. In general, if countries are effectively implementing public health measures, the risk is virtually nonexistent. 
 Mayo Clinic

 Only a brain biopsy or an examination of brain tissue after death (autopsy) can confirm the presence of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. 
 Not super helpful if you happen to be alive

 Rut Row Canada...

CJD Foundation 

Current Statistics PDF

 Canadian Statistics PDF

Feb 13 BSE reported in Alberta  

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Parasites, Viruses, and Diseases - A to Z - Bubonic Plague

Bubonic Doctor By Tom Edwards

It started in the Gobi Desert of Mongolia in the 1320's 

In the early 1330's China, an illness starting killing.
Like a rumor it started spreading from person to person.

It boarded the ships with those bringing goods from China to the unknowing population of Europe.
The people, the rats, The Black Death. 

The Plague was only part of the destruction.
Families were forced to leave their sick loved ones. 
The dying were refused the chance to dictate their last will and testament.
Monasteries that provided care for those afflicted suffered greatly. Some were wiped out entirely.
Other countries started blaming the Italians for this epidemic and  refused to do trades - fearing the healthy of also being sick. 
Some were even killed. 
It wasn't finished. 

France, England, Germany, Norway, Russia.
All felt the fear and experienced the deaths caused by this vicious Plague. 
By the end one third of all people infected had died. 
Horrible deaths. 

Meet the mass murderer.

Stupid Flea. 

With a name like 'Black Death'
I would expect something more Gigerish

 Much better.

But the flea wasn't acting alone. 
He had an accomplice. 
The Bubonic Bonnie and Clyde.
They are the bringers of death. 
Remorseless, vicious.
These are not your pet rats of today. 

The flea bites the Rat
Blood from rat passes to flea.
Now they are both killers.

The rat gets into the human food. 
Contaminates the food.
Rat dies. 
Don't ever touch a dead rat. 
Avoid the rat, eat the food. 
You're screwed.
Flea that bit the rat bites you. 
Can't avoid the crew on the ship. 
Not all the rats die. 
Fleas, who notices the fleas? 
Boat docks. 
People, product, fleas, and rats vacate the ship. 
Spreads like wildfire. 
How do you contain what you are not aware of?
Too late. 
Stop touching the sick. 
Stop touching everything. 
Too late. 

But I wouldn't worry much about the rats..

I would worry about pissing off the wrong terrorist.
Real or imagined, the panic spreads. 
Causing fear, anger, and unrelenting dread.
When will it happen?
Where will it be?
Has the person already been born that will try to kill us all?
It's crazy to think that our world is actually a ticking time bomb. 
We could be one radical away from any number of toxins being unleashed .

Oops, I just scared the kitty.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Parasite, Viruses, and Diseases -A to Z - Anthrax


Disease -Not the Band
Sorry, stop looking at me like that.
I'm not talking about you guys.
I am talking about the guy below

 Yes you.

Bacillus Anthracis

According to the CDC
Anthrax is a serious infectious disease caused by gram-positive, rod-shaped bacteria known as Bacillus anthracis. Anthrax can be found naturally in soil and commonly affects domestic and wild animals around the world.

And in envelopes ..and candy, and I watch to many crime shows.  

Naturally Occurring Anthrax 

Okay, are there reasons or times when Anthrax is more prevalent? 
  • Periods of flooding can move spores up to the soil surface and drying of wet areas will expose spores to grazing livestock. 
Livestock take the brunt of the Anthrax exposures. Poor Moos
  • Disruption of the soil by excavation can also bring spores to the surface. 
  • When animals graze on soil where spores are present, they can ingest the bacteria directly from the soil or from plants. 

Cases of naturally-occurring anthrax are reported every year in Canada
(In livestock) 
 Anthrax is a Zoonotic Disease 
This means it can be transited from Animal to Human

Although it is rare, people can get sick with anthrax if they come in contact with infected animals or contaminated animal products.
In Animals - Symptoms tend to go unseen - The animals are just found dead
Symptoms, when seen, include staggering, shortness of breath, trembling, collapse, a short period of convulsions and death
 The Sterne vaccine is the only licensed vaccine in Canada,
The Vaccine is only labelled for use in cattle, sheep, horses, goats and pigs.
The vaccine will produce immunity, but requires seven to 10 days for immunity to develop.

Okay, so what about people?

  • People get infected with anthrax when spores get into the body. 
  • When anthrax spores get inside the body, they can be “activated.” 
  • When they become active, the bacteria can multiply, spread out in the body, produce toxins (poisons), and cause severe illness.
  • This can happen when people breathe in spores, eat food or drink water that is contaminated with spores, or get spores in a cut or scrape in the skin
So we have covered some of the basics about naturally occurring Anthrax

What about the Bio-Terror-Weapon kind?

Good question.
First off
 Why Anthrax?
  • It has existed since 1491BC
  • In 1613, the first  European Pandemic occurred.
'Black Bane' was infamous killing 60 000 humans and animals.

* If they can weaponize Anthrax (which they can)
And create a way to cover as many people as possible (which they can)
  • They can do a lot of damage without needing a lot of 'product'
Anthrax is tough 
 It is resistant  
A genetically engineered strain of Anthrax could render the vaccine useless
It has a high mortality rate ( depending on type of exposure)
It scares us.
 Mass hysteria alone is enough to cause serious issues. 
  The spore is a tough shell that houses the genetic material of the microbe, and can preserve this material almost indefinitely through harsh environmental conditions that would kill the growing bacteria.
  Britain tested anthrax delivery systems in WWII off the cost of Scotland on an island called Gruinard. Studies have recovered spores that can germinate into disease causing bacteria even decades later.
That basically means that even an inefficient application of anthrax spores have the possibility of leaving residual spores capable of infecting people long after an attack
Um..y'all better consider this fact before you go testing willy nilly around the world.
So should we be worried?

According to the MSDS Sheets at the Public Health Agency of Canada
Spores remain viable in soil, skins and hides of infected animals and contaminated air and wool for decades; survival in milk - 10 years; dried on filter paper - 41 years; dried on silk threads - up to 71 years; pond water - 2 years

62 Germ banks located all over the world contain Bacillus anthracis cultures
Anthrax has been traded, sold or given away to obtain other germs
It has been proven fatal 

If put in the wrong hands, with the right abilities to weaponize 
Not only are we screwed... future generations could also be screwed because the freaking stuff is so damn resistant !
But, I would worry more about all the creepy parasites in the world that don't need any sort of terrorist to plot their destruction. 

In other words... relax something else is bound to kill you before Anthrax does. 

Friday, February 27, 2015

Who named these things??

Clowns on Crack?

PEE COLA - Okay Ghana.
One might think that maybe the language barrier would cause such a name.
Except.. Their main language is English
The second being Akan - and Pee does not translate from Akan to English ( not that I speak Akan.)

TURD BABY-I wonder what they sell here?
...Tiny toys out of vending machines.

Something weirdly named that sells something out of vending machines??
But oddly not in Japan.
This 'baby' is in Taiwan.

I really dislike when people chose the wrong font for their business.
In this case the wrong spacing.
I take that back...
Regardless of font or spacing...It's just a bad name.
Misleading ...I bet they don't even let you exchange your kids.


BREAST MUNCHIES -They have never once eaten a bra.
To my knowledge they only feed and do not require to be fed.
Many females out there would love a chance to feed them, if doing so made them grow.
If that worked then these guys would be rich.


COCK FLAVOURED-In general I have a hard time trusting.
So when I see something like this.. I think..
That can't be real!
So I went to the Grace Foods website.
I found it.
It does exist.

BUTT BUDDY-This is real.
Not a bad idea for half smoked cigarettes 
The name..bad idea...
I wonder if people think before naming things.
It's becoming more and more apparent that they don't.


In case you wondered.. no this product does not contain 'Bat' milk.
Only Moo. 
Though it was not meant to be a gimmick - I do believe this would work very well towards getting a child to eat yogurt. 
It's Bat Milk! 
This is how Batman likes his yogurt. 
Just saying...


HUNG WANG - This is an actually food company. 
Located in Toronto. 
Am I the only one that finds it funny they sell noodles? 

MONKEY GLAND - Freaking weirdos. 
No it does not contain any sort of monkey. 
Or any sort of gland type stuffs.. ick. 
Why.. ??

Next will be an assortment of poorly named website. 

 -Speed of Art
Speedo Fart!

Dickson Web
Dicks on web!

Powergen Italia 
Power Genitalia!

Black Hat eBook
Black Hate Book
That's not even funny.

Hollands Hit Festival 
Holland Shit Festival !

North of Boston Jewish Singles
No Jobs?
Wellands new domain name!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Do you see what I see?


Though I have never seen Avitar...for some reason this mop reminds me of the movie. 

No, I don't see a face in this.. I see the whole damn Duck!


Okay Bob it's time to rig the election.
Okay Fred.

Maybe I just don't wanna be a clock anymore..

Wanna trade? You can be a Wookienut for awhile. 

K, guys..jokes over. Get me out.
Come on! 

Jack Nicholson...


I wonder if xray puppy is worried because everyone keeps running out of the room ?


Lois, Lois, Lois, Lois.
Mom, mom, mom, mom..mommy mommy momma momma, mum, mum
wake up hee hee hee

Did you see the headlights on the one?!

Same damn route every day... You would think they would at least plant some pretty flowers.
No.. cement.. I see cement. Stupid Humans.

He didn't even look at me.
I came all this way and he ignored me!
Stupid Train.

What me to shoot him? I totally can.




Don't worry, we can handle this.

Turns out, Cobra Pepper wasn't really mean.. he was just lonely.
Then he met Unicorn Pepper.
Now he is happy and the Pepper Kingdom is safe once again.


The end.