One might think that maybe the language barrier would cause such a name.
Except.. Their main language is English
The second being Akan - and Pee does not translate from Akan to English ( not that I speak Akan.)
TURD BABY-I wonder what they sell here?
...Tiny toys out of vending machines.
Something weirdly named that sells something out of vending machines??
But oddly not in Japan.
This 'baby' is in Taiwan.
I really dislike when people chose the wrong font for their business.
In this case the wrong spacing.
I take that back...
Regardless of font or spacing...It's just a bad name.
Misleading ...I bet they don't even let you exchange your kids.
BREAST MUNCHIES -They have never once eaten a bra.
To my knowledge they only feed and do not require to be fed.
Many females out there would love a chance to feed them, if doing so made them grow.
If that worked then these guys would be rich.

COCK FLAVOURED-In general I have a hard time trusting.
So when I see something like this.. I think..
That can't be real!
So I went to the Grace Foods website.
I found it.
It does exist.

BUTT BUDDY-This is real.
Not a bad idea for half smoked cigarettes
The name..bad idea...
I wonder if people think before naming things.
It's becoming more and more apparent that they don't.
In case you wondered.. no this product does not contain 'Bat' milk.
Only Moo.
Though it was not meant to be a gimmick - I do believe this would work very well towards getting a child to eat yogurt.
It's Bat Milk!
This is how Batman likes his yogurt.
Just saying...
HUNG WANG - This is an actually food company.
Located in Toronto.
Am I the only one that finds it funny they sell noodles?
MONKEY GLAND - Freaking weirdos.
No it does not contain any sort of monkey.
Or any sort of gland type stuffs.. ick.
Why.. ??
Next will be an assortment of poorly named website.
-Speed of Art
Speedo Fart!
Dickson Web
Dicks on web!
Powergen Italia
Power Genitalia!
Black Hat eBook
Black Hate Book
That's not even funny.
Hollands Hit Festival
Holland Shit Festival !
North of Boston Jewish Singles
No Jobs?
Wellands new domain name!
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