Yes it happens.
At times there is no other option.
This still does not make it right.
One human should never take pride in snuffing out another persons life.
In war we train our solders to shoot to kill.
They pay for this internally for the rest of their lives.
Yes it was us against them.
Yes it may have been unavoidable- but it is never something that a human should consider their right to do.
Give a police officer a gun - but teach him not to shoot.
Killing is not their profession.
Teach them to control situations.
To respect all human life.
All life.
In anger we wish death upon those who wrong us.
Those who cause pain should in turn feel pain.
Chances are they already do, but who really cares what they are feeling because now this is about you.
But you are not like them.
After the initial anger has past - you have to live with yourself. With what you did.
You may be able to, at a cost.
Those who feel nothing, that take pride in causing pain.
Those who burn men alive for the world to see.
Those who burn men alive for the world to see.
Those people are not like you and me.
They hunger for the feeling of fear and horrific agony in others.
It moves them.
Gives them a sense of joy.
Like we would find when we see a life saved.
This twisted pathology gives them something over us. They seemingly do not feel that gut wrenching sadness associated with loss.
Anger they have in spades but even that isn't the same.
We get angry after fear turns in wards.
We feel anger over what we feel to be unjust.
In retaliation for sadness over a great loss.
Their anger is from a feeling of self righteousness.
I can do this.
Look at me.
Look at all my power.
You shutter in fear.. This pleases me.
How many movies, shows, or documentaries do you have to watch?
How many books do you need to read?
You can watch that youtube video over and over.
Chances are you will never be able to fathom their drive.
The killers, that is.
On the other hand, you many never be able to erase from your mind the sadness, confusion, and terror in the eyes of the person facing their eminent death.
Yet you watch.
Curiosity ?
Sometimes our curiosity is a cancer. Robbing us of our innocence.
Killing our dreams of a peaceful world.
A world we many never see.
The greatest loss, second only to death- is the loss of ones self.
We are killing to retaliate against killing.
What does this make us?
A weapon.
A weapon of mass destruction.
Launched by our enemies, but propelled by are own fear and stupidity.
Way to go.
We are playing right into their game.
ISIS is just another psychopath.
And we are throwing ourselves face first in to the blood baths they have created.
There will always be evil in this world.
And it thrives because the more we fight back- the stronger they become.
They are pretending to consider possibilities of a prisoner trade - not because this was a possibility.
No, it makes them feel power.
They laugh, take joy in messing with us.
They kill, then you kill..
They are psychopaths - you are angry and feel the need to retaliate.
It will never bring back those that they have killed.
They will continue to do so.
They are making murderers out of you.
You are doing exactly what they want you to do.
Causing the death of someone to fight against the death of another. Explain how that is going to lead to any sort of peace in this world?
They are pretending to consider possibilities of a prisoner trade - not because this was a possibility.
No, it makes them feel power.
They laugh, take joy in messing with us.
They kill, then you kill..
They are psychopaths - you are angry and feel the need to retaliate.
It will never bring back those that they have killed.
They will continue to do so.
They are making murderers out of you.
You are doing exactly what they want you to do.
Causing the death of someone to fight against the death of another. Explain how that is going to lead to any sort of peace in this world?
We should be teaching our children to love without borders.
To learn without lies.
To stand up for what they believe in.
But above all we should teach them the value of life.
Not just their own.
The need for peace.
Without war.
To not raise a hand in anger, but out to offer assistance.
Maybe if we start a child right.. If we really tried.. Maybe future generations will be able to see through quiet eyes.
....Just a rant...I need to stop watching or reading about the news...
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