Sunday, January 4, 2015

A collection of...


Also a few odd and whoa! ads...
Apparently men are better then woman.. according to this clothing company. 
Ya? well your pants look stupid!
Wtf is store testing? If it's not some person behind a little counter offering samples then I am at a loss.
Clearly this woman deserves a spanking..I mean come on, she isn't wearing pearls. I bet dinner isn't on the table. She did not even hand him a drink when he walked in the door!
50 Shades of Coffee.
He must not be aware of the third Saturday of September during a leap year. 
In Alabama.
During the night.
If there is a snow storm/
The killing must take place in a freshly created igloo.
Lobsters and Turkeys must be in attendance. 
The woman must also be made of rubber. 
Um.. this is an ad for a Postage Meter. 
That may have been because 'He' was not all that clever.. 
Darling do you mind if I take a nap? I attempted to do this word search in readers digest and I am exhausted.
No, no.. don't you worry your pretty little head, I will get it.. I always do.. just give me a week.

But honey, I was saving that for little Sally, the neighbour across the street? She likes to do those during recess when it is raining. 

Now you can buy Palmolive bath soap at the Dollar Tree - 3 for $1..
Seems the people making the product were not all that clever.  

Those are so not real! 
I mean really.. at least about her 'equipment'
I have not been able to find a link that isn't just a link to another link.. that just leads back to a link.. that gives no new information.
I get the whole play on 'stone age' being 'bone age' due to the boning used in ladies garments. 
Can someone explain why she is on the phone ( unless it's with the cops) and why she has a string of pearls in her hand?
Why is this idiot smiling? 
Why does he have shoes??

The link is to their current site. 
They are still trying to get the bra right. How long will it take them??
At least they have moved away from the damn girdle ...
Ah those Drummond douche bags from before. 
Anyone else wonder where that one sleeve went? 
Papa says it wont hurt us?...Ur 'Papa' is a freaking moron.
It would be interesting to see the statistics on how many kids or adults ended up getting hurt or killed by these 'Absolutely Safe' Guns!
Why does this weird child have a gun in bed with her.. just her .. the creepy doll and a gun. 
Maybe she is afraid of the doll?
That is a valid reason.
So there was a time ... not so long ago.. when this was acceptable. 
I am so glad I did not live in that time. 
I am aware there is racism still very much alive these days... but wow!
I think I see Regan ..and Bush. Some Blonde dude... a creepy guy at the bottom.. and what I can only assume to be Van Heusens belief of what every African American looks like when not serving him.
I linked the picture to the store website... check out the wide variety of models...
Make sure she is wearing 5 rings. I want 4 of them to be big and ugly.
Get me a doe eyed blonde. 
Women can't drive.. we all know that.. and the blonds..well..heck we can let them pretend. 
Anyone else find this so freaking disgustingly disturbing ?
Who wrote this?
Who took this picture??
I need to wash my eyes.
This ad was created before the media pulled their heads out of their asses.
This is all sorts of wrong.
Don't know where to start.
Apparently the Japanese were often depicted as vermin.
Rats, Bats, fanged and ugly creatures.
Though this was a WWII propaganda poster - the hateful and racist views started in the 1880's

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